We encourage and equip people to follow Christ wherever they are and to experience the presence and power of God in their life.
Come as you are. Come when you can. Come for help. Come to help.
You will find Encouragement, Friendship, Grace, Peace, Faith, Hope, Love and Yourself.
A Place for Everyone: Connection Groups
We grow in meaningful personal relationships in small groups by age and common interests.
0 to 3 years
First steps is our safe space for the littlest ones during Sunday services and special events.
We have a nice room and a great team of volunteers to play, enjoy and share.
3 to 11 years
We imagine WonderLand as that place to wonder and grow in the knowledge of God.
Since 2007, we have been working with Godly Play,
a method to enrich children's spirituality, based on Montessori.
Through storytelling, stories from the Bible are presented to children in imaginative ways, providing them with a safe time to be creative and experience God.
Click HERE if you want to know more about GodlyPlay, our group of mentors and how we work with children.
11 to 18 years
Teens of Christ Church meet twice a month with their leaders, in a place to grow, understand and enjoy together.
Twice a month, during the Sunday Service, study the Bible in a respectful context, facilitated by their leaders. In this space they grow as a group making observations and discovering the Bible in meaningful conversations.
In other more relaxed fun spaces, at Game nights, jam sessions and much more, they find encouragement, friendship, faith, hope, and love.
+18 Young Adult
Once a month, Christ Church's young adults in their 20´s and 30´s gather to bond and be friends.
Whether it's hanging out in the park drinking mate, going out to eat or taking a weekend trip to the countryside, they share their joys, struggles, and learn in friendship the necessary tools to face life's challenges.
If you want to participate in YAG activities, leave us your information HERE to contact you
Women Groups
Nothing as good for the soul as meeting other like-minded women. That is why the Women of Christ Church meet once a week in two groups (Spanish and English) for connection, support, learning and growth, and of course, have fun too.
Click HERE to leave us your information if you want to share in our Women's meetings.
Study & Growth Groups
We study and put into practice the Word of God together as a community through different methods and resources that guide us in our spiritual growth.
Community Bible Study
The Community Bible Study takes place once a week, as an opportunity to share and study the Bible in a respectful context with a guide.
You don’t need to be an expert! You don’t even have to know anything about the Bible! We value each participant's opinion and grow as a community by making observations and discovering the Bible in meaningful conversations.
Bible Study Group: 2024
Alpha is a space to search together for answers to life’s most important questions. No matter how much you know about the Christian faith, how much you believe it, or how much you participate in it, Alpha is always for you.
In an Alpha experience, we first connect with each other in community around a meal together.
Then in small groups we watch a video and share ideas, listen to each other and contribute in an environment of honesty, respect and friendship. In Alpha we explore topics about faith, Christianity, prayer, the meaning of life, and others that are a little simpler and funnier.
Alpha began in England in 1977, and has been used around the world to share the basics of the Christian faith.
Christ Church has worked with Alpha since 2005 as yet another way to help us grow in faith and in community.
Join the next Course! September 2024
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality and Emotionally Healthy Relationships
These two workshops are part of the Emotionally Healthy Discipleship program created by Pete and Geri Scazzero, who seek personal, community and church transformation to go deeper in Christ.
The Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Workshop deals with emotional health, self-knowledge and contemplative spirituality. In 8 weekly sessions, we recognize the problem of emotionally unhealthy spirituality and its symptoms to give way to a path of inner knowledge that allows us grow up as emotionally healthy adults.
The Emotionally Healthy Relationships Worshop, on the other hand, focus on studying and learning practical skills to develop mature relationships, whose central axis is love for others.
"It is impossible to have spiritual maturity if we are emotionally immature."
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality: April 2024
The next workshop will be in 2025
Emotionally Healthy Relationships: July 2024
The Couples Course
If you are in a relationship, this course is a must!
This course takes place in 8 dates with your partner, once a month, to strengthen the most important relationship of your life. Improve your connection, identify barriers and learn how to overcome them. You will learn principles of communication, conflict resolution, the power of forgiveness and other fundamental topics for building a strong and healthy relationship.
It’s a date!
During this course, there is no group work. It is designed to create an intimate environment with your partner where you can relax and connect with each other.
At a table just for the two of you, you'll dine together, watch a practical video, and have space to chat privately and open your heart, with facilitators who will guide the development of the course but never the conversation between you two.
Couples Course: 2024
Project Generosity
Project Generosity was born in July 2020, as a result of the pandemic, being an initiative of young adults when they saw the need that was generated. We started cooking for homeless people, but soon we also put together and distributed baskets to families in need.
We have learned a lot in the process and we have noticed how God opens doors. As a group we are working on a different activity every month according to the needs of our community and the guidance that God gives us.
- We distribute baskets
- We visit and spend quality time with those who need company
- We provide food for homeless people
- We provide clothing and shelter
- We help institutions such as “Hogar Amanecer”
- We visit the sick in hospitals by handing out hygiene gifts, crossword puzzles, Bibles
We invite you not to miss the opportunity to bless because we give of what we
grace God has given us.
How can you participate?
- Praying (The prayer of the righteous can do much)
- Coming with us
- Giving
Write to us and we will update you on the calendar of activities so you can schedule!