30 Search results for: Lisa Hamilton
The Process
7 Jul 2024
The forgiveness process starts with examining my heart - what's in my heart? What is God inviting me to do with it? Forgiving is my demonstration that I am, and want to be, part of God's kingdom!
A Lamp Unto My Feet: Clarity for My Year
God Alone
11 Feb 2024
Usually, the question: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” really means “WHAT do you want to DO?” God invites us to focus on WHO we want to BE. (audio in Spanish)
Getting Unstuck
Awareness, Acceptance & Verbalization of Attachment
24 Sep 2023
The level and style of Attachment we received as children deeply forms our ability or inability to form healthy attachments as adults, until we receive specific discipleship in this area.
Enlarge Your Soul
Part 1
27 Aug 2023
Let´s Be Large-Soul People! Let´s learn to feel, process and resolve the grief caused by losses, and through this develop a beautiful ability for empathy, connection and compassion.
An Anchor for the Soul
Year Verse: Isaiah 30:15
29 Jan 2023
Believe God
Just the Tip of the Iceberg
Enlarge Your Soul
20 Nov 2022
One of the essential parts of spiritual growth is learning to acknowledge and process loss, limits and death. Grief is this process. God is with us in the process. Will we believe and trust?
Just the Tip of the Iceberg
Know Yourself
30 Oct 2022
Knowing yourself is the beginning of your journey toward emotionally healthy spirituality. God has created you as you are for a purpose! Do you know your true self? Why? How? And, what is your false self?
Why Work?
To Be…or to Be a Busy Bee?
8 May 2022
Bees and insects are famous for their tireless activity. I was proud to be a "busy bee" until I learned a better way to BE me. This reflection is for all of us.
It's Time: The Heart of the Gospel of John
15 Aug 2021
In the middle of Jesus’ last words to His disciples, He encourages them to take one simple step that is the key to all else: REMAIN!
It's Time: The Heart of the Gospel of John
The Good Shepherd
4 Jul 2021
In John 10, Jesus said, “I AM your Good Shepherd.” We invite you to enter this story as an experience, open to what God might say to you through it. The story is from The Complete Guide to Godly Play, vol. 3.
A Time to Lament
My Opportunity to Grow
9 May 2021
Lament is connection and a bridge to our comfort. God invites us to engage with Him through it.
A Time to Lament
Connecting with God
2 May 2021
How does "lament" intersect with my life and how does it affect my relationship with God?
The Preparation: Lent 2021
The Presence of Jesus
14 Mar 2021
Jesus went into the desert to find out more about who He was. He accomplished that through His limits and emotions. He invites us to do the same, and promises His presence as His answer!
Consider Your Life
Consider Your Life
9 Aug 2020
If you feel tired, frustrated or anxious, see what this Psalm has for you! Trust, delight, be still...God IS at work!
The Art of Heaven: Mystery & Misconceptions
Through the Eyes of a Child
17 May 2020
Re-thinking heaven through a child’s eyes. God has prepared and revealed what He knows we need. Are we ready?
Do Not Be Afraid: The Good News is the Good Shepherd
The Fear of Being in Danger
15 Dec 2019
Do you trust the Good Shepherd to protect you from danger? What does it mean when bad things do happen to us? Listen to discover how “Security is not the absence of danger, security is the presence of Jesus.”